Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Something spontaneous just spontaneously occurred. I am wondering why people bother to smoke. I was at the Amtrak station in Pittsburgh when this tall, dark and mysterious man came and stood right beside me. He was dressed in the most deteriorating clothing. Suddenly, he started smoking, which I despise with a passion. He went from one cigarette to another and kept flicking his cigarette ash over my head. On his third cigarette, which he smoked in less than 30 minutes the ash not only fell in my hair but it caught my hair on fire, burning a portion of my hair off. I was so pissed and words could not express the way I felt then. Someone poured some water in my hair, thanks be to God! The good thing was that I was alive. The bad thing was I had just gotten my hair done. Now, tell me what you all would have done?