Sunday, September 20, 2009

Reggae one form of Jamaican music

Reggae is one type of Jamaica’s cultural music that is being played all around the world today. Reggae is indeed the most popular music in Jamaica. Many people listen to reggae for different reasons; some people for relaxation while others for fun. When I contemplate on the word “Reggae,” the only thing that comes to mind is unity. Reggae music brings our people together and puts you in a state of mind where nothing else matters but love, unity and togetherness. However, the best time of the year is Reggae Sumfest. Reggae Sumfest is a festival that occurs every year. This event is held in Montego Bay, a small tourist resort area, where artists from all over the world come to perform with our Reggae artists. This is one of Jamaica’s biggest events; it’s so much excitement and there are people everywhere.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A little about The island of Jamaica

Jamaica is a very small island with approximately 4244 square miles. In comparison to Jamaica, Pennsylvania is ten times larger and has square miles of approximately 44,288. Jamaica has two neighboring islands: one is Cuba and the other is Haiti. We share similarities in our cultures but differences in our languages. In Jamaica, our native language is English but we speak broken English which is known as Patios. As for Haiti, their official language is French, but this is only spoken by the government and small portions of the business world. Approximately 95% of the population speaks Haitian Creole, which is a blend of French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and some African languages. In Cuba, their native language is Spanish. Moreover, each island has their own independent policies even though we come together for certain foreign policies. However, within the island of Jamaica our motto states “Out Of Many One People” meaning that there are many different people living in the island but we come together and unite as one. This is why Bob Marley made the Song “One Love.” If you haven’t heard of Bob Marley he’s a Jamaican Reggae legend that died from cancer. Jamaica is known for the beautiful scenery, succulent food, the religion Rastafarianism, the beautiful girl, the handsome young men and most of all the herb Marijuana.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Coming to Greensburg

I was excited on my way to Greensburg not knowing the things that I was going to encounter. I knew a little about Pennslyvannia but not enough to make or pass any judgements about the state. I knew it was very mountainous with lots of trees and that it consisted of many historical events. Some of these events would probable lead to my success. The best part about coming to Greensburg is the fact that I knew that I was going to get a solid and strong foundation towards my future and that it will become one of my milestones towards my success. Being an island girl from the city of Montego bay, Jamaica means so much to me. Even though our island is very small, we come together as one and we all unite. Greensburg is a huge transition for me. everything is different from the people to the food and most of all my surrounding.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

1. Jamaica
2. Fashion
3. Sports
4. Fruits
5.Friendship/ Relationship