Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A little about The island of Jamaica

Jamaica is a very small island with approximately 4244 square miles. In comparison to Jamaica, Pennsylvania is ten times larger and has square miles of approximately 44,288. Jamaica has two neighboring islands: one is Cuba and the other is Haiti. We share similarities in our cultures but differences in our languages. In Jamaica, our native language is English but we speak broken English which is known as Patios. As for Haiti, their official language is French, but this is only spoken by the government and small portions of the business world. Approximately 95% of the population speaks Haitian Creole, which is a blend of French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and some African languages. In Cuba, their native language is Spanish. Moreover, each island has their own independent policies even though we come together for certain foreign policies. However, within the island of Jamaica our motto states “Out Of Many One People” meaning that there are many different people living in the island but we come together and unite as one. This is why Bob Marley made the Song “One Love.” If you haven’t heard of Bob Marley he’s a Jamaican Reggae legend that died from cancer. Jamaica is known for the beautiful scenery, succulent food, the religion Rastafarianism, the beautiful girl, the handsome young men and most of all the herb Marijuana.

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