Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas is coming and the fowl is getting fat please put a ten cent in the young ladies hat.
It’s that special time of year once again. All the little children are so excited and so jolly. They wonder what Santa has in store for them on that wonderful day of Christmas. The malls are packed, no parking, everyone's rushing to start or to finalize their Christmas shopping. The Christmas trees are up and decorated with beautiful ornaments. It’s snowing which puts everyone in the Christmas spirit.
In Greensburg, I don’t really know how their celebration occurs, but when I return to Jamaica for Christmas break everything is going be different for me. It’s going to be a big celebration. Christmas time is one of our biggest holiday celebrations, except for our independence day which is in August 6. During this season, we have three nights of celebration. The first night is Christmas Eve; the second night is Christmas night and the third night is after Christmas which we call Boxing Day; in recognition for our boxers.

We have dinner with family and friends during the day then at nights we all go to the city of Montego Bay and dance and have a great time. Each and every night, there are thousands of people there and ready for the celebration. From children who have a curfew to adults who party until the dawn. Each celebration ends at dawn and everyone will discuss the things they did the next morning it’s a great experience. One year my cousin and I got lost downtown and ended up and this hotel party. I guess we looked older than our age because they let us enter the ball room. Everyone was dancing to ballroom music. It was a very classy event; an event that doesn't occur on a everday basics. It was fun and one of the best Christmas I ever had. If anyone ever decides on a perfect time to travel to Jamaica; the Christmas seasons would be the time.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Something spontaneous just spontaneously occurred. I am wondering why people bother to smoke. I was at the Amtrak station in Pittsburgh when this tall, dark and mysterious man came and stood right beside me. He was dressed in the most deteriorating clothing. Suddenly, he started smoking, which I despise with a passion. He went from one cigarette to another and kept flicking his cigarette ash over my head. On his third cigarette, which he smoked in less than 30 minutes the ash not only fell in my hair but it caught my hair on fire, burning a portion of my hair off. I was so pissed and words could not express the way I felt then. Someone poured some water in my hair, thanks be to God! The good thing was that I was alive. The bad thing was I had just gotten my hair done. Now, tell me what you all would have done?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Touring some cities of Pennsylvania

I finally get to tour some cities of Pennsylvania. The first one was Pittsburgh, then Harrisburg, and last but not least Philadelphia. I said to myself when I arrived at each city I was going to the movies, shopping, parties and sightseeing. So I can compare what it is like to do the above in each city and then when I return to my island I can tell everyone about the different experiences that I had. The reason I chose these cities are: one they are the three major cities in Pennsylvania, two they seem to have a lot more than Greensburg I’m sure and three they are historical.

Party in Greensburg

` I finally found a place to party in Greensburg. Hip hip hooray. I went to this club called Johnny B’s, even though it wasn’t the most appealing place and didn’t have many people, I still had fun. The music was banging and everyone was dancing. That’s what makes a great party-not the amount of people but what the people came to do. I was having so much fun which showed in my clothing because my perspiration was all over my body. After all, the DJ played my favorite song “Run this town” by Rihanna, Jay Z, and Kanye West. I just lost control when I heard my song. Not only was i dancing like a star, but i wish that i was dancing witha star. The night continued very well; by the end, everyone was drained. We went to the restaurant to have breakfast, but everyone was so tried we didn’t get the chance to finish. We drove back to our dorm and called it a night.

The Most annoying words to me

I, for one, do think that “whatever” is one of the most annoying words when communicating. When you’re speaking to someone and they respond by saying “whatever,” it’s rude, it’s disrespectful and it’s certainly annoying. Many people might think that it’s today’s language, but believe it or not, if you continuing saying "whatever" you might say it to the wrong person at the wrong time. Some people may use it in everyday conversations without any meaning behind the word but the other person might take offense to it without you knowing. In order to have a great environment, one must respect others to prevent any unnecessary altercations.

Conversely, another word that I can’t stand is, “I don’t care” which some individuals say anytime they do wrong and you try to correct the problem. The corrections might even be very beneficial to them. Their response is, ” I don’t care” when in reality they do care, they just don’t want to face the reality of being wrong or they just don’t want to hear your corrections

Monday, October 19, 2009

Magnum Tonic wine

Magnum Tonic Wine is the real Jamaican tonic wine. Magnum Tonic Wine is created with natural ingredients, which gives the wine a better quality and a very rich taste. It is safe to drink, it has low alcoholic content and it helps with sexual stagima for most men. Magnum Tonic Wine gives your system the boost and energy needed. This wine is filled with lots of vitamins and minerals. Most caribbean men love magum tonic wine; just for the simple fact that it enchances their sexually ability to perform well in bed. So liven up your life with a little pep from magnum so you and your partner can endure long intercourse all night.

Jamaican Beer

Many people throughout the island of Jamaica love to drink beer especially men, like my uncle Anthony. The most commonly- drank beer on the island is Red Stripe. Red Stripe is brewed in Jamaica by a Company called D&G. This company makes most of the island juices and drinks; for instance they make Jamaican soda, and fruit drinks. One main reason why people Jamaican's love Red Stripe so much is how it makes them feel, it leaves them “irie”. Irie is a term used in Jamaica to describe a feeling of being elated. My uncle Anthony normally has a Red Stripe almost every day for his lunch break from his construction job. He just can’t get enough of it. I’m sure all the beer drinker here in Greensburg would love the taste of Jamican Red Stripe.