Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Touring some cities of Pennsylvania

I finally get to tour some cities of Pennsylvania. The first one was Pittsburgh, then Harrisburg, and last but not least Philadelphia. I said to myself when I arrived at each city I was going to the movies, shopping, parties and sightseeing. So I can compare what it is like to do the above in each city and then when I return to my island I can tell everyone about the different experiences that I had. The reason I chose these cities are: one they are the three major cities in Pennsylvania, two they seem to have a lot more than Greensburg I’m sure and three they are historical.


  1. Please tell me you hated Philly (It's a Pittsburgh thing).

  2. Did you get to see the King of Prussia mall out near Philly?

  3. I'm with Katie. Pittsburghers (note the h on our name) are not Philly fans, though those Philly folks do make a nice sandwich. As for the World Series, I should probably root for the Phillies -- a state-pride thing or something -- but I can't. I'm still a New Yorker, at least 50 percent. So, go Yankees.

  4. Really, i learn something today i did not know that Pittsburghers don't like Philly. I it was fine to me weather is better, you all just hate philly because of the sports? well i will try to comprehend.

  5. Brain i did not get a chance to see the King of Prussia mall but i hear it is grate there. I would love to see it someday.

  6. Shaine, you mentioned once that you were extremely into fashion. If you ever get the chance to head out that way again, going to KOP is a must. My brother used to live 5 minutes from there. His fiance and I went shopping once there, and, we didn't even make it through half of the mall. I would say it is easily 13 or 14 times the size of Westmoreland Mall.

  7. KBraun, I most definetly will. it seems to be a lot of fun; everyone keeps telling me about it.
