Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Weather in Greensburg

The weather in Greensburg Pennsylvania is so different form the weather in Jamaica. Jamaica is an island, so the weather is most likely always sunny. Here in Greensburg, the weather changes periodically. One minute its cold, then another minute it's sunny in a few hours it’s raining. This weather pattern occurs all through the day. Because of the changes in the weather, I was ill twice already. After all, my roommate and I were having a conversation, and it so happened that the weather topic came up. The weather here is so weird I exclaimed! Sarah, my roommate stated “welcome to western Pennsylvania that’s the way the weather pattern is here”. Because of the weather I mostly stay in my room which is located in the village called Apollo. There, I try to overlook the other side of the school watching the pouring raining running down the hill and the river flowing heavily as if it wants to overflow.

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