Friday, October 2, 2009

The National dish in Jamaica Ackee

• 1/2 lb. Saltfish (codfish)
• 1 dozen ackees
• 1 small onion
• 1 teaspoon black pepper
• 3 slices hot scotch bonnet pepper
• 1 small red sweet pepper
• cooking oil

1. Soak Saltfish in warm water to taste.
2. After soaking saltfish (codfish), place it in cold water and boil.
3. Clean the achee. Remove the seeds and all traces of interior red pit from the ackees.
4. Wash ackees five times
5. Cover and boil until moderately soft.
6. Drain, cover, and put aside.
7. Pick up(flake) the saltfish and remove all bones.
8. Saute thinly sliced onions and sweet pepper rings.
9. Remove half of the fried onions and peppers
10. Add saltfish and the ackees, and turn the fire/stove up slightly.
11. Add black pepper
12. Pour in to serving plate and garnish with remaining onions and pepper slices


  1. It looks kinda strange but sounds good. When your in Greensburg, where do you find these ingredients? I've never heard of some of them. Can you replace them with foods easily found in grocery stores?

  2. Katie -- Those are great questions. I had the same ones. (Especially about ackees. Wonderful.) Shaine, could you add to your recipe postings? Maybe some narratives about your life with these particular dishes. Memories you associate with these foods. Family moments. That sort of thing. See "Julie and Julia," and Julie Powell's blog, for ideas.

  3. KBraun since this is our native food it would be so hard for you to find it in the grocery stores here in Greensburg. If they have a Caribbean store here which I haven’t found yet maybe they will have similar items that you can substitute for the ingredients listed above
