Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Most annoying words to me

I, for one, do think that “whatever” is one of the most annoying words when communicating. When you’re speaking to someone and they respond by saying “whatever,” it’s rude, it’s disrespectful and it’s certainly annoying. Many people might think that it’s today’s language, but believe it or not, if you continuing saying "whatever" you might say it to the wrong person at the wrong time. Some people may use it in everyday conversations without any meaning behind the word but the other person might take offense to it without you knowing. In order to have a great environment, one must respect others to prevent any unnecessary altercations.

Conversely, another word that I can’t stand is, “I don’t care” which some individuals say anytime they do wrong and you try to correct the problem. The corrections might even be very beneficial to them. Their response is, ” I don’t care” when in reality they do care, they just don’t want to face the reality of being wrong or they just don’t want to hear your corrections

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