Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Transportation is everyone’s mean of getting from place to place. In order for me to accomplish things I must have a form of transportation. Well, here in Greensburg everything is different. Last week, I wanted to go to the mall so I called the cab to find out their hours of operation. They told me their hours are 6am-7pm I said “7pm this can’t be real”. So I hang up the phone as astonished as can be. I never thought the cab would stop running at 7pm I was thinking more like 11pm or 12am. It was already 6, so I decided that I would have to go another time since I can never spend one hour in the mall. In jamaica, cabs run all night long. It might take a longer time than during the day because there are less cabs out at night, but I am sure you’re going to get one to where ever you want to go.


  1. I couldn't agree with your frustrations more. I have never had to rely on a cab because I live at home and have my own car but, my freshman year I lived on campus and didn't keep my car up there and felt so stranded. Our campus only offers so much to do. I think in Greensburg everything is so spread out that cabs figure everyone has a car. In the city more people can walk from place to place so cars aren't a necessity. That's where you will find all the cabs at.

  2. i realize that now. it is very hard for me to cope with this new lifestyle but i need to try harder.

  3. If you ever need to go to the mall, I am willing to drop you off on my way home from classes and then you will just need a cab ride home. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be stranded somewhere. I'm sure if you talk to your RA they might be willing to help you out too!

  4. Thanks for being so generous i will let you know when i do need a ride.I will do my best to locate her a have a chat with her about the dilemma maybe she might have some solutions for me. Once again thanks for being so concerned.
