Monday, October 19, 2009

Legal age to drink in Jamaica

I was wondering why everyone in the United States gets very happy when they reach the age of 21. It is because that’s the legal age to drink and they feel a sense of independence. I would like to inform you all that in the island of Jamaican the legal age to drink is 18 but the law isn’t really enforced. Many young people drink and smoke as they please. I guess that’s why I don’t find it fascinating to drink or smoke because I have been around it so much. People always ask me if I smoke; when I reply by saying no, they immediately come that conclusion by saying I’m being dishonest. They claim everyone from Jamaica smokes. That’s such a big stereotype. Not everyone from Jamaica drinks and smokes.


  1. This one girl that lived in my apartment building last year was from Canada and she was 20. She said that one of the hardest transitions was coming to school here and not being able to drink because, in Canada you only have to be 19 to drink. Not like she wanted to go to the bars everynight, but, she said it sucked not to have the option to anymore.

  2. I really don't drink so it really doesn't bother me i feel sorry for someone like her. it would be good for people to have options.
