Monday, October 19, 2009

Magnum Tonic wine

Magnum Tonic Wine is the real Jamaican tonic wine. Magnum Tonic Wine is created with natural ingredients, which gives the wine a better quality and a very rich taste. It is safe to drink, it has low alcoholic content and it helps with sexual stagima for most men. Magnum Tonic Wine gives your system the boost and energy needed. This wine is filled with lots of vitamins and minerals. Most caribbean men love magum tonic wine; just for the simple fact that it enchances their sexually ability to perform well in bed. So liven up your life with a little pep from magnum so you and your partner can endure long intercourse all night.


  1. This sounds like a stupid question, but, is this like a mix between tonic water and wine? Or is it more like a Vitamin Water?

  2. I'm not really sure what you mean by stagima, but it scares me. ;) Is this something people can buy in the states? In Greensburg? If so, where? If not, why not?

  3. This is a wine that can be purchased at a Jamaican grocery which i doubt there is any in Pittsburgh. Stagima is when a person have lots of energy and can endure for long periods of time during sexual activities.
