Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dancehall Music

Dancehall music

What comes to your mind when you think of dancehall music? Yep! Exactly what I was thinking, dancehall music is the “Real McCoy” people would do anything for dancehall music. In Jamaica, people are so laid back that they actually make up dances like every week for the different party events. Dancehall music is an outlet for people in Jamaica. It is a way to free their mind and release some stress. However, I decided to try out for the dance team here at UPG. The first day of auditions the teacher asks “how long have you been dancing?” This was a question for everyone. Some people said ten years, others stated five and so on. When she gave the first count most people were stumbling on their moves. I decided that the team was going to be a total disaster and that I wasn’t going to be a part of it. Any way, I wanted to do something at my leisure, but there wasn’t much other from clubs.


  1. Maybe you could start your own club? A Jamaican cooking club? (O.k. all the recipes here are making me hungry, so I may not be thinking clearly. Still... could work.) A Culture Club? With apologies to Boy George of course. Something to do with world music? Whatever you choose, I hope you find your niche here!

  2. there will be no one that shows up simply because no one here seems to club. it seems like all they do is drink beer and watch football.

  3. oh i get what u mean, a cultural club i will do that next year.
